In other words: technology’s not the problem. It’s the context. Just ask Plato about writing, or Gutenburg about books, or Dante about Italian, or painters about photography, or record company executives about sampling … The Liberal Arts Are Dead — The Synapse — Medium
engineeringhistory: The ENIAC, the first functional electronic digital computer, designed to calculate ballistics tables by solving differential equations. The computer was announced on February 14th, 1946 and shut down on October 2, 1955.
But he was wrong. Before these tools became widespread, photographers were indeed very much like painters, in both form and function. The camera itself evolved from the camera obscura, literally a “darkened room,” in which one or two people would stand, and record the scene before them, tracing it on wallpaper. Later film-based large format cameras required…
twenty years ago
NCSA Mosaic 1.0 released Marc Andreessen (marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Wed, 21 Apr 93 03:55:49 -0500
Robots, Electronics Hacking, and Kids
Robots, Electronics Hacking, and Kids alexainslie: “It would be a decade after graduating from college (with some basic background in electronics and robotics thanks to an engineering degree) before I was invited to join a LEGO beta team for the Mindstorms NXT kit. Here was a reasonably priced robotics kit that actually delivered on its…
Q. Does the new technology mean the end of art as we know it? A. Yes, it does. It represents a new dimension to the way art will be understood or perceived. It’s a departure from appreciating a singular moment. What that means is … the reason why we can appreciate art is because most…
At least 36 engineers and technicians have been kidnapped in the past four years, according to a report from Mexican news site Animal Politico, with an English translation published by organized-crime monitoring group InSight. Worse, none of the engineers have been held for ransom — they’ve just disappeared. Among them include at least one IBM…
A New Microchip Knows Just Where You Are, Indoors and Out – Technology Review
A New Microchip Knows Just Where You Are, Indoors and Out – Technology Review techspotlight: Broadcom has just rolled out a chip for smart phones that promises to indicate location ultra-precisely, possibly within a few centimeters, vertically and horizontally, indoors and out. The unprecedented accuracy of the Broadcom 4752 chip results from the sheer breadth…
joshuabeane23: Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906 – January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist and United States Navy officer. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language.She conceptualized the idea of…
My collaborator has suggested that the cultural semiotics of nerd is not an effective lure, not an attractor, for young latino males (in the US) who might otherwise explore STEM fields. Bill Gates’ financial success is an insufficient model. The age group we are looking at is ten years old. These young latinos are acutely…