Violent video game engagement is not associated with adolescents’ aggressive behaviour: evidence from a registered report | Royal Society Open Science
Abstract In this study, we investigated the extent to which adolescents who spend time playing violent video games exhibit higher levels of aggressive behaviour when compared with those who do not. A large sample of British adolescent participants (n= 1004) aged 14 and 15 years and an equal number of their carers were interviewed. Young…
¿El Museo de Arte del Tolima cerrará sus puertas? | El Nuevo Día
La gente quiere el Museo, pero la empresa privada tampoco apoya con recursos, patrocinio de salas, o como amigo del Museo. Aunque artistas, galeristas, curadores y visitantes se impresionan gratamente por sus instalaciones, después de dieciséis años de trabajo, el Museo aún no tiene un presupuesto fijo, como sí lo tiene el Panóptico. Source: ¿El…
Immigrant Freedom Fund Helps Aurora Facility Detainees Bond Out | Westword
“Our assumption was that by bonding out one person at a time, we could make a difference in each person’s life,” says Liefert. “Soon we realized that we were making a difference not only in the lives of each person that we bonded out, but in the lives of their families and communities.” Source: Immigrant…
Intergenerational Trauma Animation – YouTube
This video on Intergenerational Trauma was shared with me by a former student upon seeing my post on FB about feeling wrecked by the news of the mass shooting at El Paso Texas yesterday, 2019 08 03. It’s a lovely bit of story telling and it points a direction towards healing. My partner has noted…
Dizzy Spell
In May of 2018 we held a pop-up arcade called Dizzy Spell. Today we will launch the website http://dizzyspell.xyz which will publicly formalize this collaboration with Adán de la Garza and Justin Ankenbauer. We began this collaborative grouping roughly one year ago. Saniego Sanchez put me in touch with Adán via an email message early…
Dizzy Spell
In May of 2018 we held a pop-up arcade called Dizzy Spell. Today we will launch the website http://dizzyspell.xyz which will publicly formalize this collaboration with Adán de la Garza and Justin Ankenbauer. We began this collaborative grouping roughly one year ago. Saniego Sanchez put me in touch with Adán via an email message early…
semillero / incubator
I recently received news that an incubator I worked on while on sabbatical in Colombia has gotten institutional support from the Universidad Sur Colombiana. this is great news. This means that the “let’s make a game” game can startup in the town where I was born. the first cohort is made up of first-year students…
from 2004-ish to 2012-ish I was a co- or assistant-coach for my younger son’s soccer team. we chose to pursue a recreational league over a competitive one. we couldn’t imagine the scale of the investment needed for the latter. the luck of the draw placed us with the Wolverines in the Englewood Soccer Association. I’ll…