Block-based programming comes to Godot!
Putting this exciting news here for safe keeping. A plug in brings visual programming of Scratch-like code blocks to open-source game engine Godot! This is also good news if I ever want to refactor/rewrite any of the code drawings made in Hopscotch. Stencyl, which was originally an ActionScript/Flash IDE, also incorporates block-based code. I wonder…
A closer look at Microsoft’s new Kinect sensor – The Verge
developers will be able to use it with or without Azure — Read on www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18239860/microsoft-kinect-azure-dk-hands-on-mwc-2019 Microsoft has created a new Kinect sensor. During an invaluable conversation with artist Matthew Keff at the IEEE-GEM 2019 conference at Yale last week I learned about this re-introduction. The Kinect had been declared dead technology upon its notable absence…
stoweboyd: Open Source Design 02: WikiLeaks Guide/Critical Infrastructure Mapping the discontinuous spatiality of the contemporary nation-state through the publication of the secret government memo listing 259 facilities around the world considered crucial to everyday life in the US. Architecture / Geoff Manaugh
When artists use new technologies as their materials, a number of things happen: 1. They discover ways to extend the expressive and communicative range of tools, devices and systems 2. By making connections that are neither necessarily utilitarian nor profitable, they explore potential for diverse human interest and experience 3. They do the cognitive work…
In recent years, Amit has been calling for the retirement of the term ‘industrial design’, at least where it relates to the development of technological products. Whilst such a proposal might sound radical—sacrilegious even, to some—he points out that the evolution of technology-infused objects demands a new balance of skills from designers at the cutting…
Simulator sickness in U.S. Navy flight simulators. – PubMed – NCBI
Simulator sickness in U.S. Navy flight simulators. – PubMed – NCBI Abstract Flight simulators have become a major factor in pilot training. A general finding from Navy research on simulator design is that equipment features that offer faithful representation improve pilot performance and promote pilot acceptance. To the extent that an aircraft produces motion sickness,…
and now the Share Festival and Casa Jasmina is asking, what if the endpoints look different, if they themselves are also treated as art in the domestic landscape? http://www.toshare.it/tshr/bando-concorso-share-prize-2015-house-guests/?lang=en
Stagnant and dull, can digital books ever replace print? — Craig Mod — Aeon Essays
Stagnant and dull, can digital books ever replace print? — Craig Mod — Aeon Essays to read
Stagnant and dull, can digital books ever replace print? — Craig Mod — Aeon Essays
Stagnant and dull, can digital books ever replace print? — Craig Mod — Aeon Essays to read
Because Apple was “disruptive,” anything deemed disruptive now somehow borrows from Apple’s cachet. “Disruption” has become another meaningless buzzword appropriated by overzealous cheerleaders of the entrepreneurial clique they aspire to someday belong to. And look… every once in a while, someone does come up with a really cool and radical game-changing idea: Vaccines, the motorcar, radio, television, HBO,…