Tag: game

  • Block-based programming comes to Godot!

    Putting this exciting news here for safe keeping. A plug in brings visual programming of Scratch-like code blocks to open-source game engine Godot! This is also good news if I ever want to refactor/rewrite any of the code drawings made in Hopscotch. Stencyl, which was originally an ActionScript/Flash IDE, also incorporates block-based code. I wonder…

  • A closer look at Microsoft’s new Kinect sensor – The Verge

    developers will be able to use it with or without Azure — Read on www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18239860/microsoft-kinect-azure-dk-hands-on-mwc-2019 Microsoft has created a new Kinect sensor. During an invaluable conversation with artist Matthew Keff at the IEEE-GEM 2019 conference at Yale last week I learned about this re-introduction. The Kinect had been declared dead technology upon its notable absence…

  • Schools often teach the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics framework to analyze game design, which is a tremendous framework focused on the input-output loop a game creates. While that is an extremely powerful perspective to have on games, I tend to shift focus to the space between Mechanics and Dynamics, and use a personal Intent-Mechanics-Declaration model to communicate flaws…

  • Towards an Art History for Videogames

    Towards an Art History for Videogames There is a lesser-known history of the games themselves. By this I mean a more intimate account composed of a long heritage of games deliberately concerned with the artistic, political and personal. For these, the term “artgame”2 comes in handy. This term refers to videogames intended to provoke artistic…

  • Killbox, a videogame about the true horror of drone warfare – Kill Screen

    Killbox, a videogame about the true horror of drone warfare – Kill Screen

  • Jerry Saltz: Every artist makes rules — I’ll only use rulers, or I won’t use the camera. One of your rules, unconsciously or consciously, was “I’m not going to be an actor, a star, in these videos”? James Franco: Yes, early on. Because I had this feeling like, Oh, I should keep these worlds separate.…

  • Fav games of 2015

    Fav games of 2015 my collaborator @andreblyth‘s Patient Rituals was included in Mattie Brice’s favorites of 2015 list, which is all kinds of cool!!!!

  • [Michael] Clune is out for something slightly different. “Gamelife” uses his memories of playing games as a lens through which to tell a literary coming-of-age story—a bildungsroman put forth in units of screen time. Tightly focussed on that evanescent period between the age of seven and early adolescence, the book’s chapters are each devoted to…

  • [Michael] Clune is out for something slightly different. “Gamelife” uses his memories of playing games as a lens through which to tell a literary coming-of-age story—a bildungsroman put forth in units of screen time. Tightly focussed on that evanescent period between the age of seven and early adolescence, the book’s chapters are each devoted to…

  • companies and organizations want marginalized creators to contribute to their events, but with little to no compensation for the work. The most egregious offender of this GDC, which is for-profit yet has the most extensive process for extracting labor for talks given for one of their passes, which gets most of its value from the…