Notes for a theory of contemporary education
notational: Very loose ideas floating around my head these days. Even if they are loopy or ridiculous, the seeds of something useful might be in here.Not sure about the mechanistic aspects. 1. We live in a day and age (and in many cases place) in which information is not a scarce resource. Due to the…
My collaborator has suggested that the cultural semiotics of nerd is not an effective lure, not an attractor, for young latino males (in the US) who might otherwise explore STEM fields. Bill Gates’ financial success is an insufficient model. The age group we are looking at is ten years old. These young latinos are acutely…
My collaborator has suggested that the cultural semiotics of nerd is not an effective lure, not an attractor, for young latino males (in the US) who might otherwise explore STEM fields. Bill Gates’ financial success is an insufficient model. The age group we are looking at is ten years old. These young latinos are acutely…
Training children to use Microsoft Office is the contemporary equivalent of the touch-typing courses that secretarial colleges used to run for girls in the 1940s and 1950s – useful for a limited role in the workplace, perhaps, but not much good for life in the modern world. John Naughton on the importance of hands-on tinkering…
Training children to use Microsoft Office is the contemporary equivalent of the touch-typing courses that secretarial colleges used to run for girls in the 1940s and 1950s – useful for a limited role in the workplace, perhaps, but not much good for life in the modern world. John Naughton on the importance of hands-on tinkering…
Waiting For “Superman” | Trailer & Official Movie Site | Pledge Now
Waiting For “Superman” | Trailer & Official Movie Site | Pledge Now
Cybernetics, Systems Theory, Environmental Art, Op, Pop and the Kinetic/Dynamic Externalism of the Open Arena – Art and Education
Cybernetics, Systems Theory, Environmental Art, Op, Pop and the Kinetic/Dynamic Externalism of the Open Arena – Art and Education
Computer Arts Society
Computer Arts Society About the Society Aims The Computer Arts Society (CAS) promotes the creative uses of computers in the arts and culture generally. It is a community of interest for all involved in doing, managing, interpreting and understanding information technology’s cultural potential. Events Monthly meetings are held in London. See Programme for details. Membership…
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.