http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf Slagsmålsklubben – Sponsored by destiny (by Tomas Nilsson) (Source: http://vimeo.com/)
Tomas Nilsson interprets Little Red Riding Hood through info graphics – Core77
Tomas Nilsson interprets Little Red Riding Hood through info graphics – Core77 http://player.vimeo.com/video/3514904
Project: Make a simple motor – Boing Boing
Project: Make a simple motor – Boing Boing
Finishing a Game
makegames: As I work towards completing my own game, I’ve been thinking a lot about finishing projects in general. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of really talented developers out there that have trouble finishing games. Truthfully, I’ve left a long trail of unfinished games in my wake… I think everyone has. Not every…