Janet Fitch’s 10 rules for writers
Janet Fitch’s 10 rules for writers LA Times gets noted writer and educator Janet Fitch to share 10 writing tips for fiction writers.
That is the young writer’s dilemma as I see it. Not just his, but all our problems is to save mankind from being de-souled as the stallion or boar or bull is gelded, to save the individual from anonymity before it is too late, and humanity has vanished from the animal called man. And who…
The misinterpretation of inspiration is bred into our culture. In school we are taught by the examples of others, given information to digest and remember, instead of being handed problems to analyze and interpret on our own. As children we are taught to fear failure and to learn from the mistakes of others instead of…
The Creativity Crisis – Newsweek
The Creativity Crisis – Newsweek Newsweek article that points to a recent study that claims that creativity within the US population has been in sharp decline since 1990. This is presented as alarming because: “A recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the No. 1 ‘leadership competency’ of the future.”
Forget Brainstorming – Newsweek
Forget Brainstorming – Newsweek Newsweek article that re-refutes collective brainstorming strategies and methods and that offers alternative strategies for individual creativity.
Jon Jones, smArtist » How NOT to hire an artist
Jon Jones, smArtist » How NOT to hire an artist a critical response to “How to hire an artist”…
How to hire an artist | Kaitol
How to hire an artist | Kaitol a post that has drawn a significant amount of criticism…
Journey to the Interface
Journey to the Interface Service design is an emerging practice within the field of design. This link takes us to an example of contemporary service design. via: Demos | Publications
The Ideas of Frank Chimero – Lone Gunman
The Ideas of Frank Chimero – Lone Gunman
This inspired Frank Chimero to create sense vs nonsense: inspiration vs imitation (by Jessica Hische)