thecreatorsproject: Building digital devices from cardboard
A simple cardboard castle. You can design your own King’s Landing, or leave it blank and rule over your monochrome kingdom. Via High Quality Design. (via The 40 Most Amazing Toys From Toy Fair 2013)
bashford: “We’ve found the silver bullet that could make things like electronic clothing and inexpensive games a reality today. This breakthrough means the industry now has the capability to print electronics on a wider range of materials and at a lower cost,” Xerox Scientists Develop Silver Ink to Print Plastic Circuits (via Alex)
prostheticknowledge: Microcontrollers as Craft Material High-Low Tech have put together some tools and techniques to integrate electronics into craft works: We’ve developed a set of tools and techniques that make it easy to use microcontrollers as an art or craft material, embedding them directly into drawings or other artifacts. We use the ATtiny45 from Atmel,…
rainbowsandunicornscrafts: DIY Kaleidocycle or Folding Paper Toy Tutorial and Template from minieco here.
image via nevver: Papercraft skeleton. oh my!
prostheticknowledge: Papercraft Mechanical Walking Robot Ongoing project by kikousya290821 creates a mechanical robot purely from paper and elastic bands – embedded below is a video of the stages of construction: Here is a video of another attachment – an elastic band Gattling gun: The project page is in Japanese, but more can be discovered here
(via New Geometric Paper Art from Matthew Shlian | Colossal)
In December 2011, the Instructables Team took to the streets of San Francisco, proudly wielding before them a 12-foot cardboard Trojan horse. Man, I love my job. Why did this happen? We had been invited to the Autodesk Christmas party just a few blocks away from our lab and we thought we should take along…