Tag: interaction

  • Block-based programming comes to Godot!

    Putting this exciting news here for safe keeping. A plug in brings visual programming of Scratch-like code blocks to open-source game engine Godot! This is also good news if I ever want to refactor/rewrite any of the code drawings made in Hopscotch. Stencyl, which was originally an ActionScript/Flash IDE, also incorporates block-based code. I wonder…

  • State Diagram, Transition Diagram, for example. Made with Paper

  • State Diagram, Transition Diagram, for example. Made with Paper

  • Pictos

    Pictos a collecion of infinitely scalable royalty-free icons for user interface designes, integrated as a font, by Drew Wilson. The collection is for sale. Royalty-free means that you do not have to pay for subsequent usages. via: Swiss Miss

  • Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources

  • Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources

  • Interactive Sketching Notation by Jakub Linowski linowski.ca via: SwissMiss

  • The Wilderness Downtown

    The Wilderness Downtown An interactive short film for Acade Fire, rendered in HTML5.

  • theyrule


  • “You cannot not communicate. Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.”—Paul Watzlawick’s First Axiom of Communication This is the first rule of UX. Everything a designer does affects the user experience. From the purposeful addition of a…