Category: tumblr archive

  • AIGA Design Archives

    AIGA Design Archives

  • > rafaelfajardo > Rhizome | Member-Curated Exhibitions > rafaelfajardo > Rhizome | Member-Curated Exhibitions

  • Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum

    Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum The Museum Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution is the only museum in the nation devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The Museum presents compelling perspectives on the impact of design on daily life through active educational and curatorial programming. It is the mission of Cooper-Hewitt’s staff and Board of…

  • TEDxDU

    Cultural Event Opportunity Please be our guest at TEDxDU 2010. On May 13, 2010, the University of Denver will gather innovators and inventors, scientists and philosophers, and activists and entrepreneurs to share their personal stories and the passion that drives their action. From unsung heroes to renowned experts, TEDxDU’s international roster of speakers and performers…

  • cultural event opportunity

    Cultural Event Opportunity Exhibitions « VICTORIA H. MYHREN GALLERY Faculty Collects and Master Watercolors from the Jan Perry Mayer Collectionopen April 1, 2010,  in the North and South galleries. Faculty Collects brings together 16 unique collections from SAAH and other DU faculty and staff. Objects range from music posters to postcards, ceramics to popsicle sticks, toys to art. Through…

  • frontline: the persuaders | PBS

    frontline: the persuaders | PBS The Persuaders What’s going on in the world of today’s marketers and advertisers? What are the new and surprising methods they’re using to decipher who we are and what we want? And, where is this taking us?

  • Paola Antonelli Keynote for Talk To Me exhibition

    Paola Antonelli-Keynote: Talk to Me on Vimeo (via Vimeo) Previously, MOMA acquires the “@” symbol (Source:

  • Martín Espada | Poetry reading and discussion

    Cultural Event Opportunity The University of Denver (DU) Latino Center for Community Engagement and Scholarship (DULCCES) proudly presents Martín Espada Thursday, April 8, 2010 7:00 pm – Reading & Discussion, Reception to follow. Craig Hall Community Room,University of Denver 2148 South High Street, Denver, Colorado FREE & Open to the Public Called “the Pablo Neruda…