Month: January 2012

  • conceptualjoinery: Proposed Redesign for Back of iPhone Ink-jet-style enamel printer prints hi-resolution images of every employee who worked on the iPhone that you now own on the back of your phone. Production companies have this data. Every employee has a number. Every number has a photo. Any employee number associated with your phone’s serial number…

  • Hauptprobe in gedrängter form der Bauerschen Gi…

    Hauptprobe in gedrängter form der Bauerschen Gi… found via An entire 1910-1914 type specimen book from the German foundry Bauerische (Bauer?)

  • American specimen book of type styles : complet…

    American specimen book of type styles : complet… found via The entire 1912 American Type Founders specimen book.

  • A 40-year-old toy shop manager in Tehran explained the toy-selling situation to Reuters, like so: “We still sell Barbies secretly and put these [Sara and Dara] in the window to make the police think we are just selling these kinds of dolls.” And, because we know you’re wondering, here’s what the aforementioned Sara and Dara…

  • Just North of Something Important: Pop is not enough

    Just North of Something Important: Pop is not enough barthel: Here is an actual thing Richard Beck says in his n+1 piece about Pitchfork: But the story of The Beatles doesn’t begin with John, Paul, George, and Ringo deplaning at JFK. It begins with Jean-Philippe Rameau’s 1722 Treatise on Harmony, which began to theorize the…

  • Just North of Something Important: Pop is not enough

    Just North of Something Important: Pop is not enough barthel: Here is an actual thing Richard Beck says in his n+1 piece about Pitchfork: But the story of The Beatles doesn’t begin with John, Paul, George, and Ringo deplaning at JFK. It begins with Jean-Philippe Rameau’s 1722 Treatise on Harmony, which began to theorize the…

  • This 35-foot-long camera is designed to give spectators a life-sized look at how cameras operate. Of course, it does so with old-school style. Perhaps others looking to teach the general public about technology will follow in these footsteps, using large-scale examples to create something that can be touched and experienced in a way not possible…

  • extra-large medium: The Invisible College Redux

    extra-large medium: The Invisible College Redux This newly emerging system of knowledge organization has implications for all higher education institutions, in that colleges and universities have been the dominant organizational forms for knowledge work since at least the days of the Republic of Letters. The networked paradigm represented by…

  • marathonpacks: If only all worthy causes had entities the size and influence of Google and Wikipedia behind them.

  • kateoplis: Craigslist goes black