Month: January 2012

  • Helvetica began life in 1957 as Neue Haas Grotesk, a comprehensive modernization of Akzidenz Grotesk from 1898. It was conceived by Eduard Hoffmann and executed by Max Miedinger for the Haas foundry in Münchenstein, near Basel, and renamed Helvetica (an amended form of Helvetia, the Latin name for Switzerland) in 1960. It was licensed to…

  • artlistpro: CRISTINA BARBERO“Cada individuo necesita su espacio vital, crear su propia burbuja donde poder protegerse de esa sociedad agresiva, de miedos, de problemas… Cada individuo con su mundo propio, muy diferentes entre sí, pero que unidos forman la sociedad, las ciudades…” via ohlordylord:

  • hyperallergic: Group Searches for a Fair System to Pay Artists, Artists Space to Be Test Case W.A.G.E. seems to be very clear about positioning themselves in a sphere that is realistic for the creative field and with viable and attainable goals. The question now it seems is how to make a payment system sustainable. An…

  • hyperallergic: Group Searches for a Fair System to Pay Artists, Artists Space to Be Test Case W.A.G.E. seems to be very clear about positioning themselves in a sphere that is realistic for the creative field and with viable and attainable goals. The question now it seems is how to make a payment system sustainable. An…

  • When another scholar worries that if one begins with data, one can “go anywhere,” Ramsay makes it clear that going anywhere is exactly what he wants to encourage. The critical acts he values are not directed at achieving closure by arriving at a meaning; they are, he says, “ludic” and they are “distinguished … by…

  • youmightfindyourself: Through Thick and Thin

  • youmightfindyourself: Through Thick and Thin

  • itlego: headvertising: Lego – Story Bricks The ads appeared on four consecutive pages. LEGO is a company that has fostered imagination, invention and creativity for over 60 years. So it is unusual for these ads to feature only long copy with minimal imagery. However, upon reading each of these scenarios the ad comes to life…

  • There is an issue with some aspiring musicians, the ones who continue long into adulthood without steady employment dreaming of a career if only they can expose enough people to their music. I suspect these are the musicians you are referring to in your question. I like to call this ‘friend rock’. Their audiences are…

  • jennilee: REFERENCE LIBRARY + scott potnik