Tag: advertising

  • GroupM and Unilever only count display impressions where 100% of an ad is in view for any length of time and video where 100% of the player is in view; at least half the ad plays; the sound is on; and a person actually clicks to start it. Conde Nast became the first major publisher…

  • As far as Facebook is concerned, therefore, an ad is viewable the instant any part of it appears on a users’s screen. “As soon as an ad comes into view it starts creating value for the advertiser,” Mr. Smallwood said. Marketers Push Back on MRC Ad Viewability Standards – CMO Today – WSJ

  • Moreover, publishers are eager to grab some of the ad dollars shifting to digital marketing. Advertisers are increasingly spending more of their advertising budget on digital initiatives at the expense of print. Magazine Publishers Reach Deals With Amazon’s Kindle Fire – WSJ.com (via mediafuturist)

  • Michael Bierut on (m)ad man DellaFamina

    Michael Bierut on (m)ad man DellaFamina

  • How the Old Spice web videos are made in real time

    How the Old Spice web videos are made in real time

  • Nike Breaks Own Viral Record With World Cup Ad – Advertising Age – Digital: Viral Video Charts

    Nike Breaks Own Viral Record With World Cup Ad – Advertising Age – Digital: Viral Video Charts Advertising Age tracks the success of recent attempts (and successes) at having a promotional video “go viral”. Nike’s “Write the Future” short film was “leaked” twenty-four hours before its “public release.”

  • sum1: Advertising creates images of false beauty. Via deltamualpha: Planetary Folklore: BILLBORED

  • frontline: the persuaders | PBS

    frontline: the persuaders | PBS The Persuaders What’s going on in the world of today’s marketers and advertisers? What are the new and surprising methods they’re using to decipher who we are and what we want? And, where is this taking us?