the trip to Anderson Ranch Arts Center (ARAC) was finite and so I could enumerate the days as a way to track my activities. The trip coincided with a sabbatical from teaching at the University of Denver. For emotional reasons I would count the beginning of the sabbatical as July 1, 2022. This would embed the Anderson Ranch within the ~182 days I have for my sabbatical.
The truth is that now, some 75 days before I begin to teach again, I have to order textbooks for my classes. I have to bring my mind back from sabbatical — at least part time — and prepare my materials and myself to walk into the classroom and teach.
I suppose I can count down to the end of the sabbatical. This might be too dramatic, and would put me on edge. I still have stuff on my to-do list. I will still track my activities. It is always helpful.
I have used a white board for the tracking of projects in a prospective way. These disappear as they are completed. These are rewritten flexibly. I have wanted to have a nicer one to install in the studio. I still have an allergy to alter my walls by drilling into them. I’ve just propped the white board I used in RiNo against the wall next to my desk.
While at the Ranch I revived this blogging practice. I also kept a block of graph-paper at my left hand at my desk so I could scribble agendas and actions. After the panel I forgot to blog and so this paper record was what I used to (re)build the accounts from those days on this blog.
- change visual style to this blog. Chose “Swiss” style. I think I want to change the red highlight color for a yellow.
- tweak poppy clone distribution in Snap! using suggestion by Scott L.
- take some screen shots of the code and the states it generates.
- I added a tiny scale shift to each clone instance so I can visually spot where overlaps/superimpositions continue to occur.
- The pattern yields a checkerboard pattern distribution over time.
- It’s kinda pretty. I wonder if it can generate PDF still frames from the vector sources. Snap! has access to Javascript. Hmmmmm.
- I wonder if I can create a data type, a list in Scratch, that tracks the x and y value of each created clone. I can then scan that list and test if the new clone already exists at that location. If so, then the new clone can be deleted.
- I would also — then — have to track where and when Juan has cut down a poppy instance/clone and remove that instance from the list. That means that I would have to assign each instance an ID. This kind of thing is trivial with arrays once one understands them. It’s pretty trivial with objects and member/instance variables. I think the design of Scratch and Snap! may make this kind of thing harder.
- I’m going to cut the grass. It’s 10:00 am.
- I was done by 11:30 am. I went to lunch and two errands:
- I got two Kozo paper pads at Guiry’s. They had four in stock.
- I got a broad PITT brush pen in black.
- I got some eggs, milk, fizzy waters, bananas.
- I got home at put things away by 1:30
- Checked gmail. A new message from Lindsy with a link to the Aspen Public Radio spot. I have to add this to my media vetting queue.
- I need to shower, shave. I’ll do that right now.
- 3:00 back in studio
- typesetting in Scribus to layout an imposed 18″ x 12″ sheet of Kozo paper. The proportions are ARCH B (?) used for architecture presentations, 3:2.
- Karin arrives on a 6:00 pm flight. I’ve got to leave here at 5:00