Category: words

  • Recalibrating home studio

    I’m going to be recalibrating some of my practices now that I’m back in my home studio. I was at a standing desk after I had tweaked my back. I have a sitting desk here. I want to re-think that. Printing onto Kozo (mulberry) paper with pigment-based inkjet ink feels like a winner and I…

  • ARAC Day 25, last day

    woke up early and made final pass at packing suitcase, final pass at packing backpack, and final pass at packing day-pack. Washed breakfast dishes and was out of cabin by 10:00am as had been requested (demanded/expected). I caught sight of Idalia heading to cabin as I was lugging my luggage toward the entry gate to…

  • ARAC Day 24

    This is our last full day at Anderson Ranch. I focused on packing my studio in the morning. I made use of the photos I took as I had unpacked on the first day of my arrival. I was able to fit everything that had fit in the Pelican case, and a little bit more.…

  • ARAC Day 23

    I took down Migraciones in the morning and began thinking about packing up the studio. I received a visit from Petros and Tatiana in the studio and I shared with them some more details about the work. Petros shot some portraits of me. We went to find Ricky in print-making where he had been focused…

  • ARAC Day 22

    Activities: I went into studio to grab laptop, then went into photo and new media studio to prep the Migraciones space. It had fallen out of calibration because some of the tables had been moved. I quickly calibrated it, and quickly set up my laptop in the class room. I showed the students Migraciones for…

  • ARAC Day 21

    At some point I spent more time with Mid Journey. I printed two more copies of of the submarine onto Canson Vidalon. This paper has too much ink hold-out. There is not enough dry time between print-head passes, even though I slowed it down in the advance settings. It may be possible to further manipulate…

  • ARAC Day 20

    Today I learned about my niece’s diagnosis. My brother called, shattered, in the morning. I had to subordinate my emotions to try and work. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone at the ranch to have an emotional breakdown. I called Karin and that helped a great deal. We, Ricky and I, had a meeting with…

  • ARAC Day 19

    Activities: recover from a full day in the spotlight. Couldn’t think in code so decided to print yellow narco-submarine onto Bristol board, also printed Juan Valdez inaction figure. Today was a laundry day. Yellow Narcosubmarine (In)action Figure, five copies of the Myhren Gallery version onto 9″ x 12″ Strathmore Bristol ~0.3mm thick(@24%, @24%, @27%, &…

  • ARAC Day 18

    Today was filled with prep for the teacher workshops before and after lunch, leading those workshops, having conversations with teachers during lunch, participating in sound check before panel conversation, participating in panel conversation, answering questions one-on-one after panel conversation (which we did until late, and then having a quiet dinner of thai food with the…

  • ARAC Day 17

    List of activities: My back is still tender, but is improved over yesterday I had breakfast with the residents to get to know them. It’s extremely flattering how curious they are about our games. The event from last night was a slide jam where each of the sixteen residents had three minutes to present their…