Category: books

  • Processing 2.0 Standard Lexicon

    Processing 2.0 Standard Lexicon

    one of the struggles I have with learning a new programming language is that the vocabulary, the lexicon, is typically invisible. this blocks me from knowing what I can express even if I’ve sussed out the pattern of the syntax. I decided to build this artist’s book as tool for myself. this was made in…

  • dr manhattan, book

    dr manhattan Dr. Manhattan has been a long-running project. I’ve gathered the drawings into a book available via Blurb:

  • An Essay on the New Aesthetic by Bruce Sterling

    An Essay on the New Aesthetic by Bruce Sterling

    An Essay on the New Aesthetic by Bruce Sterling. an edition of 20 + 3 artist’s proofs, laser printed and hand-sewn in self-cover. distributed to friends and colleagues in a spirit of thanksgiving in 2012. set into type with Scribus.

  • dr manhattan

    dr manhattan

    Dr. Manhattan has been a long-running project. I’ve gathered the drawings into a book available via Blurb:

  • A very old man with enormous wings

    A very old man with enormous wings

    A very old man with enormous wings, created in 2014-11

  • books

    This is the first post in the “books” category. I have been making books for thirty years beginning in college with artists books made from copper-plate intaglio etchings. during that time I also began to experiment with toner-based laser-printing technologies. later I served as a Michener Publishing Fellow at the University of Texas Press under…

  • Printcrime


    Printcrime short story by Cory Doctorow, typeset and hand bound in 2010. This is a set of offprints that I’ve reassembled into a rough prototype. I don’t think I kept a copy for myself. I took these photos in 2021 12 06 and backdated this post to 2010 11 30.