ARAC Day 16

daily activities:

  1. Last night I tried to play with BeebBox again, trying to figure out the drum sounds and the melodic instruments.
  2. I assembled some cumbia playlists and sought some wisdom on composing a cumbia in GarageBand. The YouTube videos didn’t help me.
  3. This morning I’m printing Dall-E mini images
  4. images of bananas taped to a wall, or tied up with jute, maybe some of the toy submarines with hippos. cropping some of the branding.
  5. ran the DALL-E mini prompt on DALL-E 2
  6. Were interviewed for local radio
  7. I printed the new images
  8. spent a few minutes trying to resolve some of the logic issues in Seeds of Solitude (Scratch version 3)
    1. moving artwork for one of Juan’s costumes caused Scratch to interpolate pixels rather than constrain movement to the pixel grid. I found out after an undo was no longer possible. I copied one of the images from the prior version (2) into the backpack and placed it into version 3 and deleted the corrupt costume. It took some shuffling. This is an expression of Scratch trying to guess my intent. I may have to use vector art to keep this from happening again.
    2. Took a stab at the Z-ordering and made no progress.
    3. Realized that in the old version Juan would delete the clone instance. I have dropped the [delete this clone] block in place of two blocks that would keep the clone but reset mature to 0 and switch costume to 1.
    4. My back hurts and there is an event in an hour. I’m going to call it a day.