Month: December 2012

  • Hi Haters! – The New Inquiry

    Hi Haters! – The New Inquiry towerofsleep: rematerializationchamber: The ideological enthusiasm for “participation” disguises the emptying out of privacy, and the inescapable scrutiny and social documentation ushers in “self-surveillance” — a grimmer way of describing online self-fashioning or identity construction. In using social media, we become fatally aware of how we can sell ourselves and…

  • Casting my mind back to the philosophical debate I spied on in Oxford, I remember a pretty good argument for why interactive immersive digital games are NOT art. Walk around the Museum of Modern Art, look at those masterpieces it holds by Picasso and Jackson Pollock, and what you are seeing is a series of…

  • Most arguments against the efficacy of the free-to-play model revolve around the fact that the vast majority of free-to-play gamers (usually about 95%) never monetize. This is seen as a flaw in the model; surely a business to which 95% of customers don’t contribute monetarily, some argue, should be considered failed. But this line of…

  • Old Man Parkour

    Old Man Parkour sum1: parkourparenting: I’m old. I’m not saying my age, but it’s damn near 40. I just precision jumped 6 feet from a rail to a post. And I’m bummed out. One’s the loneliest number.   All the founders are about my age, but have done this for  decades.   Everyone at jams…

  • carlosesoto: This week I’ve been sharing some work by my form 1 and form 2 students. I work with ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. Here is a presentation two form 2 students did at our morning assembly on the topic of pedagogy. (The edited text from the presentation follows below.) Their presentation is a…

  • laughingsquid: The MoMA Acquires Video Games For a New Category of Artworks Code as Art, Code as Design

  • blakegopnik: Daily Pic: A mortar filled with the Turkish wild cherry seed known as mahlab. (Also known throughout the Balkans and Middle East as mahalab, mahleb, mahaleb, mahlep, mahalep, mahlepi, machlepi or makhlepi, according to the Wikipedia gods. In English, it’s also the Saint Lucy Cherry.) This banal photo stands for aesthetics grasped through other…

  • Subcompact Publishing

    … Zip drives ate floppies. CDs ate Zips. DVDs ate CDs. SD cards ate film. LCDs ate CRTs. Telephony ate telegraphy. Text messaging ate talking. Tablets are eating our paper … IMAGINE A TABLE: Hundreds of meters long and wooden. Worn and oiled. Old and knotted. Wide enough for a person. Now — open the…