How Creative Are You? – Newsweek
How Creative Are You? – Newsweek Newseek shares the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking in a Flash enabled form. The test is normally administered by a psychologist and ususally requires 90 minutes.
After discovering that he held the LRRK2 mutation on his twelfth chromosome (indicating that his lifetime risk of developing Parkinson’s disease is 30-75% rather than the typical 1%), Google co-founder Sergey Brin became one of the first philanthropists to fund research into a disease based on the results of a genetic test. In Thomas Goetz’s…
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf Tim Brown at IIT Design Research Conference 2010 (by IIT Institute of Design) Solving some of society’s biggest challenges today will require large scale behavior change. Tim talks about putting design thinking into the hands of everyone to inspire change and tackle the world’s biggest problems. BIO: Tim Brown is on a mission to get…
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf Don Norman at IIT Design Research Conference 2010 (by IIT Institute of Design) The Research-Practice Gulf There is a great gulf between the research community and practice. Moreover, there is often a great gull between what designers do and what industry needs. We believe we know how to do design, but this belief is…
http://www.sdn2010.ch/ Negotiating Futures – Design Fiction Designers see the world not simply as it is, but rather as it could be. In this perspective, the world is a laboratory to explore the contingency of the existing and the thinking in options. Imaginations of the contra factual are a key source for the creation of alternative…