Tag: Emergent Digital Practices

  • Around the year 2000, I transformed from a writerly guy who took a lot of notes into a writerly guy who took a lot of notes, travelled a lot, and also carried lots of gadgets. My old-school jeans just couldn’t handle my digitized commensal devices. The camera, the mobile, the city maps, the keys, pens,…

  • Last month, I saw Hugh at the High Ground Design Conversation, hosted by Kathy and Mike McCoy in their beautiful lair in the Colorado Rockies. I value this event enormously for refreshing my mind and spirit in the company of a group of about twenty design academics and practitioners. This year, I learned the most…

  • »untitled«, 2010 by Trisha Donnelly. (via VVORK) digital stone work…

  • 5 Million Dollars 1 Terrabyte (2011) is a sculpture consisting of a 1 TB Black External Hard Drive containing $5,000,000 worth of illegally downloaded files. A full list of the files with clickable download links can be found by clicking through… (via Rhizome | 5 Million Dollars 1 Terabyte (2011) – Manuel Palou)

  • I walked into the open-plan office upstairs and heard the girls mournfully talking about how the new printer was no good. I asked whether it was slow, or had poor print quality. No: they didn’t like the newly upgraded printer’s song, which was mechanical and annoying. The old printer’s noise had been repetitive but musical,…

  • Stipe: The idea was to present a 21st-century version of an album. What does an album mean in the year 2011, especially to generations of people for whom the word album is an archaic term. An album for me as a teenager in the ‘70s was a fully formed concept. It was a body of…

  • Creating new worlds « Bloom Blog

    Creating new worlds « Bloom Blog Bloom studios walks thru the creation process of the iPad app, “Planetary.”

  • new series in Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities (Ashgate)

    Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities (Ashgate) Series Editors: Marilyn Deegan is Emeritus Professor and Honorary Research Fellow at King’s College London. Lorna Hughes is University of Wales Chair in Digital Collections, National Library of Wales. Andrew Prescott is Chair of Digital Humanities, King’s College, London, UK. Harold Short is Professor of Humanities Computing,…

  • The emergence of a new object of study or creation should always be seen as an opportunity to change the way that all academic disciplines — and the institution itself — work. When a new discipline emerges, universities should experiment with mechanisms that allow this new discipline to produce art, scholarship, archives, and teaching in…

  • Could we engage ‘Digital Humanities’, with its separate IT staff who will deal with the technical details for clueless arts and humanities scholars? The concept of Digital Humanities might be useful for retiring linguists but is deadly for the media studies environment. The humanities itself should try to overcome its distance from computer science and…