Dowse – The Internet of Things privacy hub
Dowse – The Internet of Things privacy hub
my umbilicus from my nearest power outlet to my sofa. the boundary between sofa and not sofa becomes fuzzy when seen from the point of view of the umbilicus. this sofa is not against the wall. my living situation affords a luxurious amount of space at present and so the sofa is free standing, four…
(via Masquespacio unveils Missana collaboration Take a pew: Masquespacio unveils debut furniture collection for Missana | Wallpaper* Magazine) another sofa to help me think about Casa Jasmina and the global influence of the Internet of Italian Things (IoIT). in this case a re-interpretation of Post-Modern interiors where the Memphis of Sotsass and Branzi is somehow…
A Multifunctional Sofa Named Herb – Design Milk
A Multifunctional Sofa Named Herb – Design Milk posting so I can find it later. thinking about the sofa at Casa Jasmina, and the low likelihood that someone would want to plug a sofa into a power outlet, and then someone in Milan goes and suggests that that is exactly what we all want. so…
“You can design a better mouse-trap, but someone has to be persuaded to try to catch some mice.”
schoolofmaaa: American science fiction writer Bruce Sterling in discussion with Rachel Uwa talking malleability of humans, maker culture, and mousetraps Hi Bruce, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! I’m a fellow Texan– No kidding? Wow. so have to start off with a question about your beginnings– in what kinds of ways would you say…
IoOOOT to read list
IoOOOT to read list today, a google search with the search terms “internet of object oriented ontology things” revealed links to others who have been exploring this mashup. it will be interesting to read the thoughts of these authors to see how they compare to the ones I dreamed up for IoOOT. I’m tagging these as…
IoOOOT to read list
today, a google search with the search terms “internet of object oriented ontology things” revealed links to others who have been exploring this mashup. it will be interesting to read the thoughts of these authors to see how they compare to the ones I dreamed up for IoOOT. I’m tagging these as speculations for Casa…
yoga ball sofa speculation F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?
yoga ball sofa speculation F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?
yoga ball sofa speculation
F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?