Category: words

  • Nature by Numbers (via etereaestudios) (Source:

  • Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash A letter from Steve Jobs about why they don’t allow Flash on iPhones, iPods, and iPads. (Notice he specifically uses the harsher “allow” instead of the much softer “support”.) Though the operating system for the iPhone, iPod and iPad is proprietary, we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the…

  • Thoughts on Flash

    Thoughts on Flash

  • 52 Weeks of UX: Sketch, sketch, sketch

    52 Weeks of UX: Sketch, sketch, sketch I’ve heard it so many times: “I can’t sketch a stick-figure to save my life.” Some people are afraid of showing their drawing to others. They think they’ll be ridiculed if their sketch looks like it was drawn by a five-year old. In truth, it doesn’t matter if…

  • “You cannot not communicate. Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.”—Paul Watzlawick’s First Axiom of Communication This is the first rule of UX. Everything a designer does affects the user experience. From the purposeful addition of a…

  • “To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful.”—Edward R. Murrow Users approach most products with an expectation of honesty. Things should do what they say, behave in an expected manner and reinforce their decision to use this product/service/website. The interface is your…

  • 26 Years, 85 Notebooks: Observatory: Design Observer

  • Criticism Be meaner. On the front page of my ideal design blog is a daily fugging of something from the world of visual culture. That’s essentially what Unhappy Hipsters is doing for Dwell, or more specifically, for Dwell’s preferred mode of architectural photography. But I can tell they are already tiring of their limited field…

  • Bent by the Sun: Change Observer: Design Observer

    Bent by the Sun: Change Observer: Design Observer An interesting meditation on patterns of pre-industrial production and sustainability in Japan. Here is a snippet: …The final conversation was about microclimates. Master Nishioka was describing to me how important it was to match a tree to its structural use in the building, based on where on…