Month: November 2015

  • dataandme: Made me smile: Fig diagram by @gemmacorrell via @flowingdata

  • Dear John (Green), You wrote an entire essay online about how groundbreaking it is for a teenage girl to kiss a teenage boy in a tragic movie about being white and pretty and dying. Meanwhile, the only times I see girls like me getting kissed on screen is when they’re being felt up by some…

  • You won’t live to see the final Star Wars movie

    jkottke: Someone on Twitter said this is the best piece about the upcoming Star Wars movie, and I think he’s right. But it’s not so much about Star Wars specifically as it is about how Hollywood studios are trying to build infinite series of movies. These new movies won’t just be sequels. That’s not the…

  • progress report

    progress report

    feeling frustrated I went back to a simpler project I’ve been having trouble with. about a year ago I set out to recreate/remaster an older game, Seeds of Solitude, in Unity 3D. I started the remastering roughly a year ago and then set it aside. I was able to get the flock of butterflies to…

  • hyperallergic: Say you’re one of the countless artists in New York City struggling to find an affordable studio space. The options are pretty limited: You could Bushwick-ify an unsuspecting neighborhood in the outer boroughs, or you could move to the greener, cheaper pastures of Detroit. Or, you could take the James Powers route: buy a…

  • progress report

    I watched some Unity 3D tutorials that helped me get past a mental block. it’s not apparent from the structures visible in the editor that one should create a game object to hold a script that controls the whole game. this could be a an empty gameObject, or – confusingly – could be one that’s…

  • alfiusdebux: Willem Sandberg  Experimenta Typografica 2 by Bas van Vuurde on Flickr.

  • emergentfutures: Thinking machines: the skilled jobs that could be taken over by robots on Thursday the Bank of England’s chief economist warned that this wave of automation is threatening skilled roles. The jobs of the middle classes, with their expensive university educations, are now at risk. As a result, a huge number of jobs that…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I watched some Unity 3D tutorials that helped me get past a mental block. it’s not apparent from the structures visible in the editor that one should create a game object to hold a script that controls the whole game. this could be a an empty gameObject, or – confusingly – could be one that’s…

  • But never before have I understood what Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote when he spoke of the Black Body in America. I think there is a story to be told with the Arab Body as well. The Native American Body. The Indigenous Body. The Latin American Body. The Indian Body. The Kurdish Body. The Pakistani Body. The…