Month: January 2015

  • The subjective thinker is not a scientist-scholar; he is an artist. To exist is an art. The subjective thinker is aesthetic enough for his life to have aesthetic content, ethical enough to regulate it, dialectical enough in thinking to master it. From Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments by Søren Kierkegaard (via kierkegaarddane)

  • I knew artspeak had reached a self-congratulatory low when I recently heard a curator refer to her “blogging practice.” (via magnificentruin)

  • dynamicafrica: A Brief History of Cumbia and its African Roots. Like many dance and music styles that have emerged and have been popularized throughout Latin America, and in Latin American diaspora communities, Cumbia has its backbone and roots in the culture, traditions and practices of the enslaved Africans brought to this region of the world.…

  • Formalism: Once More With Feeling

    dropouthangoutspaceout: So discourse being what it is, we (and by “we” I mean a subset of game studies academics, game designers and critics) have somehow found ourselves back discussing the merits or pitfalls of formalism, alongside the creation of the (what I think is misguided) concept of “ludoessentialism”. I think, for all the frustration I…

  • How To Tell If You Are In A Jorge Luis Borges Story

    caseyagollan: (from The Toast by Mallory Ortberg) You are in a library that may not exist. You are having a terrible time. It is unclear whether you have been writing the story, or the story has been writing you. You visit the south of Argentina, where something terrible happens to you. You are standing inside…

  • Wikipedia Purged a Group of Feminist Editors Because of Gamergate

    Wikipedia Purged a Group of Feminist Editors Because of Gamergate grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • #ggj15 #ggj2015 my submission for Global Game Jam 2015.

  • We Should All Step Back from Security Journalism

    We Should All Step Back from Security Journalism protoslacker: I’ll Go First I admire Quinn Norton very much. She is a fine journalist. This essay is extraordinarily important. When a reporter of stature writes that she cannot write about a vitally important subject, which she is eminently qualified to write about, because the status of…

  • magictransistor: Tarocchi Genoves

  • The Georgia Institute researchers started with plain old printer paper, onto which they glued sheets of aluminum foil and Teflon. Then it was just a matter of folding the stuff into different shapes and seeing what might happen. Of particular interest was the Slinky-shaped configuration, which you can see above. As the different rings come…