Month: January 2015

  • ayearincode: For a while now I’ve wanted to do some work with cellular automaton based image manipulation. This first step is based on a variation of Conway’s game of life. In my processing sketch below, you’ll see that instead of using discrete state rules, I’m using weighted probabilities to determine whether a cells is born,…

  • The operative concept today is the network, along with the verb that goes with it, networking. A Gen‑X graphic-artist friend has told me that the young designers she meets are no longer interested in putting in their 10,000 hours. One reason may be that they recognize that 10,000 hours is less important now than 10,000…

  • ealperin: simonsprocket: ninjagreen99: ograes: whovian-hetalian: clarkkftw: teamaequitas: 0hmykaty: wearealljustrunaways: savisintheclouds: I literally felt like I did not have a choice. Robin Williams says reblog, you reblog.  …okay. did i even really have a choice? okay robin williams i hesitated for a second and then considered the repercussions just gonna reblog… okk already 400,00 notes 800,000…

  • kierongillen: “…grown-ups have a hard time believing that ethics in video game journalism is worth sending death threats to a feminist on Twitter. It’s entertainment journalism. It might as well be E!, and the absolute worst thing that can happen is an undeserved game gets a good review or a great game gets trashed. Is…

  • daveio: pervocracy: The best comedy about North Korea, far better than The Interview, was made six years ago. It’s called The Red Chapel, and it’s a documentary about two Danish-Korean comedians (and their director/manager) who go to North Korea to perform for Kim Jong Il.  The idea they had was that they would do subversive comedy, they…

  • Dawn Chan on the year in video games – / slant

    Dawn Chan on the year in video games – / slant

  • via 538: So, how do you design the world’s best board game? The first lesson is persistence. Twilight Struggle traces its roots to the early 2000s and a board gaming club at George Washington University. That’s where Gupta and co-designer Jason Matthews met. Not GW students themselves, they were friends with some, and would go…

  • from @remotedevice: The Thing From The Future is an imagination game that challenges players to collaboratively and competitively describe objects from a range of alternative futures. In addition to being a fun party game, The Thing From The Future is the creative engine behind Futurematic, a speculative design jam series jointly held by the Situation…

  • Levy’s Perfect Thing: eye-opening iPod book

    mostlysignssomeportents: The Perfect Thing is a thoroughgoing treatment of the iPod from many different perspectives — social, economic, technical, psychological, packed with insights from one of the tech world’s most astute observers. I first read Levy in Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, a book that served me as both edification and inspiration, something that…

  • code drawings 2015

    code drawings 2015

    code drawings 2015. this post is a marker for the web catalog.