Month: September 2013

  • nevver: Bukowski’s Air and light and time and space illustrated, Zen Pencils

  • How Carnegie Mellon Increased the Proportion of Women in Computer Science From 7% to 42%

    How Carnegie Mellon Increased the Proportion of Women in Computer Science From 7% to 42% A Carnegie Mellon study on gender and computer science led to changes in the department that increased the gender ratio of women in CS from 7% to 42%.

  • Best Roof Talk Ever: horse ebooks saga explained

    Best Roof Talk Ever: horse ebooks saga explained bestrooftalkever: If you’re just joining us, in 2011, some guy, or guys, bought up something that was already funny on the internet (because it was basically a robot pretending to have feelings) and started pretending to be a robot with feelings. It was a very brave artistic…

  • brianlucid: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs Javascript… 

  • brianlucid: An iPad app for learning and practicing calligraphy (Source:

  • brianlucid: OpenType.js is a javascript parser for TrueType and OpenType fonts. 

  • chicagoif: Verlan Dress by Francis Bitoni and New Skins Workshop students New York designer Francis Bitonti worked with students to 3D-print this dress using commercially available MakerBot machines. Francis Bitonti created the dress while leading a three-week digital fashion workshop over the summer, which aimed to introduce students to computer software and additive manufacturing equipment. “The project wasn’t…

  • sfmoma: wiblog: This. Is. Genius. “There’s no wrong way to paint a feeling.” (Source:

  • border-studies: From a good article about architecture’s impact on sexuality (and vice versa): Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation complex in Marseilles (1952) was designed around the display of the body, its pools and terraces, meant for inhabitants to show off. (via Can architecture improve our sex lives? – Richard J Williams – Aeon)

  • Fixing Blender – Part 1: Why It’s Broken | BlenderNation

    Fixing Blender – Part 1: Why It’s Broken | BlenderNation digitalcoleman: Andrew Price takes a hard look at Blender’s user interface and discusses interaction design issues that make Blender harder to use than necessary. Now, before you leave a knee-jerk comment here, please watch the video – Andrew makes a lot of valid points! Check…