Month: September 2013

  • notational: smartercities: MIT students develop 3D-printed ‘Sesame Ring’ to replace public transit cards | 3ders It is very convenient to take public transportation in big cities, but sometimes it is annoying and time consuming fishing through your purse for your transit card. Two undergraduate students at MIT has created the 3D-printed “Sesame Ring” to replace…

  • migurski: “A new subculture is bubbling up from the underground,” claimed Time, “popping out of computer screens like a piece of futuristic hypertext.” (via Omni Reboot | THE MONDO MOMENT)

  • The False Logic of Computationalism Everything wrong with today’s computing culture in two bullet points (maybe) Ian Bogost – The False Logic of Computationalism (via fyprocessing) To read

  • so I go to Carnegie Mellon University, where the Drift was invented by Caitlin I was looking a bulletin board, looking for paid studies, when I saw this: See the whole story at 2500 tons of awesome (via flavorcountry [sic])

  • prostheticknowledge: In-development online app for designing, generating and exporting your own customized fonts: Type design is a discipline of hard work that requires a lot of time and knowledge. Say hello to prototypo! Start a font by tweaking all glyphs at once. With more than twenty parameters, design custom classical or experimental shapes. Once…

  • pixelblock: backonpointe: Hey guys! My boyfriend Jeremy has just begun working with Evolution Games, which is a totally amazing opportunity for indie video game developers and students who enjoy playing video games! Evolution Games from Gotchosen is a community-driven game site. Each month, seed money and scholarships are given out to developers and students, respectively.…