Month: September 2013

  • supermagritte: “The Snifit Conversation” based on René Magritte’s “The Sentimental Conversation” 1945.

  • Try as he might—and sometimes he doesn’t seem to be trying very hard—[Tyler] Hamilton cannot explain why a sport that has no problem with the voluntary induction of anorexia as a performance-enhancing measure is so upset about athletes infusing themselves with their own blood. Malcolm Gladwell: Do Genetic Advantages Make Sports Unfair? : The New…

  • What we are watching when we watch élite sports, then, is a contest among wildly disparate groups of people, who approach the starting line with an uneven set of genetic endowments and natural advantages. There will be Donald Thomases who barely have to train, and there will be Eero Mäntyrantas, who carry around in their…

  • christopherschreck: click HERE to listen to a recording of Marcel Duchamp reading “The Creative Act” at the Convention of the American Federation of the Arts in Houston TX in 1957 Here’s the transcription: “Let us consider two important factors, the two poles of the creation of art: the artist on the one hand, and on…

  • karmakarmanyc: Germano Celant, Art Povera “This book is a precarious and contingent document and lives hazardously in an uncertain artistic-social situation.” Praeger/Gabriele Mazzotta, New York/Milan, 1969  First Edition 8.4 x 9 inches  $500 PURCHASE

  • If you had asked them, most of my high school teachers would have called me an unmotivated student or said that I lacked discipline and didn’t take learning seriously. And yet, that abandoned storage bin told another story: with the aid of my calculator, I’d crafted narratives, drawn storyboards, visualized foreign and familiar environments and…

  • Everything was on the table for the layout of the ten buttons; the researchers’ only objective was to find the configuration that would be as user-friendly, and efficient, as possible. So they ran tests. They experimented. They sought input. (via The 17 Designs That Bell Almost Used for the Layout of Telephone Buttons – Megan…

  • Caffeine skin patches, akin to nicotine patches, have been on the market for a little while, and feedback I found so far is benign. Yu and Soni also promise that the absorption through the skin into the blood will be more gradual, leading to lower highs and higher lows than most stimulant products. That does…

  • Colombia’s farmers’ strikes are into their 10th day as roads remained closed across the countryside. The crisis shows no sign of abating, as rice farmers and oil workers joined the protest, and food shortages hit the capital, Bogota. Serious questions are being asked about the Santos government’s ability to govern a country now in open…

  • every technology that makes the iPhone a smartphone owes its vision and funding to the state: the Internet, GPS, touch-screen displays, and even the voice-activated smartphone assistant Siri all received state cash. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency bankrolled the Internet, and the CIA and the military funded GPS. So, although the United States…