Month: April 2013

  • printeresting: Fully Booked: Ink on Paper published by Gestalten. “By documenting current experiments and future possibilities for printed publications, Fully Booked: Ink on Paper makes clear that the most exciting phase in the history of printed matter has just begun.”

  • List of games

    masterworksinteractive: Pretty much just copying all the IGF nominees. Let’s see how many I can get 140 7 Grand steps Bad Hotel Bientot l’Ete Cart Life dys4ia FTL Gone home Hotline Miami Incredipede Intrusion 2 Kentucky Route Zero LiquidSketch Little Inferno Lovers in a dangerous spacetime mirror moon Perspective PixelJunk 4am Samurai Gunn StarForge Starseed…

  • April 10-12, 2013 EDWARD SHANKEN & YOLANDE HARRIS C-cubed Studios (top floor of Shwayder Art Building, University of Denver) Wed, 4/10: Scholar Lecture: Ed Shanken, 7PM, Hypercube Thurs, 4/11: Sound performance/lecture: Yolande Harris, 7PM, Hypercube Fri, 4/12: Displaced Sound Workshop: Yolande Harris, 11-2PM, The Cloud (Workshop RSVP by April 5, email: Please note that…

  • prostheticknowledge: BionicOpter  Remote-controlled drone that flies and is in the form of a dragonfly – video embedded below: With the BionicOpter, Festo has technically mastered the highly complex flight characteristics of the dragonfly. Just like its model in nature, this ultralight flying object can fly in all directions, hover in mid-air and glide without beating…

  • I couldn’t help but compare the visual purity of Swiss design—its monolithic, self-assured insistence—with my own racial/cultural/aesthetic ambiguity and ambivalence. I knew from the innumerable faces that had gazed upon mine over the years—quizzical, contemptuous, aroused— that neutrality was the last thing I inspired. My pursuit of Swiss authority just seemed too ironic. It was…

  • christopherschreck: Dick Higgins discussing Something Else Press, which he ran from 1963 through 1974, printing works by people like John Cage, Marshall McLuhan, Gertrude Stein, Brion Gysin, John Giorno, Ray Johnson, and Merce Cunningham (Source:

  • christopherschreck: download “Computers for the Arts” by Dick Higgins (1970) HERE

  • This problem, I think, is further compounded in more critical approaches, where design effectively begins and ends with the creative act. In other words, whether questioning ubicomp or biotech or something else entirely, the objects and ostensibly critical intentions of the designer are treated as givens and little effort has been made to systematically understand…

  • Minimal Mac: I Declare April 1st: Digital Sabbatical Day

    Minimal Mac: I Declare April 1st: Digital Sabbatical Day minimalmac: As the first day of April has largely come to be the day where nothing but jokes, fake press releases, preposterous rumors (or, at least, more preposterous than they are normally), expensively produced videos for products that will never exist by companies that kill real…

  • Robots, Electronics Hacking, and Kids

    Robots, Electronics Hacking, and Kids alexainslie: “It would be a decade after graduating from college (with some basic background in electronics and robotics thanks to an engineering degree) before I was invited to join a LEGO beta team for the Mindstorms NXT kit. Here was a reasonably priced robotics kit that actually delivered on its…