Month: April 2013

  • code as material,code as medium, versus algorithm as material,algorithm as medium, versus rule as material,rule as medium.

  • Hello World! Processing (by Ultra_Lab) Hello World! Processing is a documentary on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and algorithm play in this creative field featuring artists, designers and code enthusiasts. Based on a series of interviews to some of the leading figures of the Processing open programming platform…

  • Civic Tripod | Activism / Art / Learning

    Civic Tripod | Activism / Art / Learning Three Dimensions for Analysis Following our introduction and overview, this report outlines the emerging field of mobile and pervasive games along three dimensions: civic learning play and performance social change Focusing on real projects from the field, and interviews with key designers (see the drop-down at top),…

  • Purposeful Games for Social Change

    Purposeful Games for Social Change WHAT ARE SERIOUS GAMES? Serious games are intentionally designed to have a purposeful impact on the players’ lives beyond the self-contained aim of the game itself. They are designed to offer a playful environment that provides “serious” content, topics, narratives, rules and goals to foster a specific purposeful learning outcome.…

  • One of the best surprises of this year’s edition (2012) of the GAMERZ festival in Aix en Provence was a work that mixed clips from cult movies with video game dynamics. Using 2 buttons and a joystick, visitors could navigate inside movie sequences from The Shining, Jurassic Park, The Blair Witch Project, Old Boy and…

  • In my first post about the Design Interactions work in progress show, i was mentioning the wide scope covered by the project. From the most plausible to the utterly conceptual. My first article was about an alternative positioning system powered and controlled by the people. This new post is about an alternative world where bespoke…

  • TPU 92A-1, the first fully-functional flexible material for 3D Printing (by MaterialiseGroup) (Source:

  • stoweboyd: The Building is the New Server // Scott Weiss Dell, HP, and other companies selling ‘servers’ should just get out of the business as fast as they can. The building is the new server. Scott Weiss, The Building is the New Server Power distribution, cooling and building layouts have been redesigned from the ground-up to…

  • Buying books is immensely comforting. Maybe I won’t read them immediately, but they make me feel so much better whenever I’m sad and blue. Just their presence, it’s like having more to look forward to. vagabond (via loveyourchaos)

  • Whimsy is not a quality we usually associate with computer programs. Jacob Harris, describing the Haiku NY Times Tumblr (via derekg) One last note on this: I’m entirely unsurprised that a description of whimsical software comes from New York, not San Francisco. The other place I’ve seen people talking about whimsy is London, usually from people connected…