Month: March 2013

  • lacigreen: attachmentparenting101: Do You Notice Anything Different About This Toy Catalog? Because Kids Do. Toys “R” Us officially moved up a few notches in the eyes of progressives by challenging the gender stereotypes that have lined its pages for years. The Swedish version of the toy store did at least. I definitely like the idea…

  • warrenellis: I will admit, I am conceiving of Tumblr as a sort of lazy-bastard’s-lifestream, at this point.

  • 20130228_father_greg_boyle_calling_128 beingblog: With the abundance of coverage of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, here’s our show about a Jesuit priest who’s living a life of Christian service that flies under the radar. Father Greg Boyle’s gang intervention programs in Los Angeles are becoming more well-known, but his ideas behind them often get short…

  • G R I M E S: how to make music for (almost) free (u should prob buy a mic/ interface and u might appreciate some instruments)

    G R I M E S: how to make music for (almost) free (u should prob buy a mic/ interface and u might appreciate some instruments) deadgirlfriends: actuallygrimes: and i guess you’ll need a computer… so that might be expensive. BUT if ur reading this you probably have one 🙂 so yeah, ppl always ask…

  • ellishamburger: The age of the brag is over: why Facebook might be losing teens My latest reportorial on Facebook. Apparently all the kids are using this new site called Tumblr now maybe you’ve heard of it.

  • Fubar-osity

    petroglifs: This is the raw text of the keynote I gave at Improving Reality on Thursday.  Thanks again to Honor and her crew for being so wonderful, and for so kindly inviting me. HOW TO SEE THE FUTURE Warren Ellis The concept of calling an event Improving Reality is one of those great science fiction ideas.…

  • “the big plan”

    “the big plan” petroglifs: ASU spec for EMERGE 2013: “We understand the world through stories. Our stories may be rooted in rigorous fact or unbounded imagination but, being incomplete, they are always lies. Many are useful, however, because humans are pattern-seeking animals. Stories are the way we make sense of a complex world. We build…

  • Showing tangible signs of caring and of empathy ensures that cabin fever never takes hold. It’s one of the personality traits Sir Ernest Shackleton looked for, when signing-on crew for his expeditions. As Rolf, who has Shackleton as a role model, always says: “I can teach anyone how to sail, but I can never change…

  • Most people accessed the internet via 1440 baud dial-up modems. I was a member of a computer BBS (bulletin board service), called thing bbs, which consisted mostly of text forums, although you could upload low-res GIFs that other members could download. I decided to present my artwork, one image a week with a short blurb,…

  • MoMA Video Games Collection

    MoMA’s has acquired a selection of 14 video games, the seedbed for an initial wish list of about 40 to be acquired in the near future, as well as for a new category of artworks in MoMA’s collection that we hope will grow in the future. This initial group, installed in the Museum’s Philip Johnson…