Month: March 2013

  • A team of neuroengineers based at Brown University has developed a fully implantable and rechargeable wireless brain sensor capable of relaying real-time broadband signals from up to 100 neurons in freely moving subjects. Several copies of the novel low-power device, described in the Journal of Neural Engineering, have been performing well in animal models for…

  • epistemes: bekindplzrewind: infinity-imagined: Neurons growing in a cell culture These time lapse animations use phase contrast microscopy to show neural stem cells in a nutrient medium for 4 hours.  They reveal the dynamic growth and recycling of dendrites and synapses as neurons establish relationships with each other.  The social behavior of these cells creates the…

  • Sarah Lacey Wants The Cloud To Work

    stoweboyd: Somehow I missed this post from Sarah Lacey in December, when Yammer crashed for a day, and Pandodaily’s entire work flow crashed along with it. Sarah Lacey, Dear Yammer and the entire cloud wave: If you expect companies to use your software, it has to work Let this be a warning for companies trying…

  • cinoh: Talking Heads – Heaven

  • petroglifs: ””Cosmic Sentinels and Spiral Jetties: J.G. Ballard, Robert Smithson & Tacita Dean,” by Andrew Frost, at Ballardian “Smithson, as has been well documented, was a reader of science fiction. He read Ballard and appropriated Earthworks, his preferred term for Land Art, from the novel of the same name by Brian Aldiss.”

  • stoweboyd: (via Dutch Landscapes at Mishka Henner / Works) Google maps censorship leads to new aesthetic art with improbable pixellations.

  • Most intriguingly, Howey has encouraged readers who want to develop their own Wool stories to self-publish and sell their works. In an interview, I asked Howey about why he’s not just encouraging fan fiction but actually endorsing it. “There’s room for readers to become writers and play in this world,” he said. “I view fan…

  • In a capitalist country fun is everything. Fun is the only justification for the acquisitive impulse, if one is to be honest. (The Romans were honest, they thought it was all girls, grapes and snow.) The Guggenheim Museum is fun, and as such it justifies itself. Abstract expressionism is not, and its justifications must be…

  • gifdistrict: LEGO Cylindrical Cam

  • brianlucid: Hello World! Processing is a documentary on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and algorithm play in this creative field featuring artists, designers and code enthusiasts. Based on a series of interviews to some of the leading figures of the Processing open programming platform community, the documentary is…