Month: July 2012

  • ibmsocialbiz: Linux played a crucial role in discovery of ‘Higgs boson’ A physicist from CERN throws open-source Linux “some love” for its role in collaborative high performance computing used in discovery of the particle fundamental to the creation of mass in the universe. Via  Ubuntu Vibes 

  • If you don’t get a chance to fail, if you don’t get a chance to try things and not get them right the first time, and you keep on doing it until you do get that specific kind of success, then you become so risk-averse that you in fact get an allergy to trying new…

  • Def Leppard re-recording back catalog to screw Universal Def Leppard re-recording back catalog to screw Universal jkottke: In a dispute with Universal over compensation for digital downloads, Def Leppard is taking the extreme and fairly metal step of re-recording their entire back catalog so they can do what they want with the songs. Earlier, they recorded what they’re calling “Forgeries” of ‘Pour…

  • Gather

    digitalcoleman: I am trying to take the time to hone my digital self a bit.  I have added all my various links to: and will resume much more action on this tumblr site. I will also add a number of projects I have done for others to my portfolio site to share a fuller picture…

  • Who Do You Write For? Our Survey of Art Critics in the Media Continues… | Blog | Frieze Publishing

    Who Do You Write For? Our Survey of Art Critics in the Media Continues… | Blog | Frieze Publishing towerofsleep: In conjunction with frieze’s summer issue, which looks at art’s currency within the wider culture, we asked art critics and editors of cultural publications and media to tell us how they see the role of…

  • bookporn: Raul Lemesoff, Arma de Instrucción Masiva Buenos Aires

  • In that respect, one possible strategy of opposition is to infiltrate the consultancies and corporations themselves. To create our own highly leveraged solutions-oriented roll-out for it-doesn’t-matter-what service. It’s too laborious and time-consiming to convince people to make games in earnest, so to combat gamification we need to seed a distraction, a new trend that will…

  • The New Inquiry: In terms of resisting these transformations… If a taxi company has a…

    The New Inquiry: In terms of resisting these transformations… If a taxi company has a… thenewinquiry: In terms of resisting these transformations… If a taxi company has a way for someone in Jakarta to drive the taxies in New York, and it’s going to reduce their costs tenfold, I don’t even know the language to…

  • The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play. That’s why we have to destroy the present politico-economic system. Arthur C. Clarke (via notgames)

  • Lessig Blog, v2: On the fight for liberty: July 4, 2012

    Lessig Blog, v2: On the fight for liberty: July 4, 2012 lessig: Bassel by Joi Ito, on Flickr Today, in America, we celebrate the declaration of our independence from Britain. If you read the list of wrongs that led those Americans to “dissolve the bands” which tied them to their forebears, and contrast them to…