Month: July 2012

  • SANDPAPER RESURGENCE aka ‘LIHA’ FORWARD: By Mike Babuin – The following information has been provided by the Philippine Liha (Sandpaper) delegation. Liha is a neo-classic revival of classic table tennis in America prior to the advent of hard rubber. Sandpaper was used in the early part of the 20th Century following the initial use of…

  • Bogotá had been “a cause,” as Mr. Mockus put it. Now it has become a problem. “We’re Latin,” he explained. A deadpan, wry, highly unconventional politician and former mathematics and philosophy professor, Mr. Mockus famously mooned student protesters as a university president and as mayor went on television while taking a shower to demonstrate the…

  • Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez is suffering from dementia and has been forced to stop writing, his brother told students at a lecture in Cartagena, reports the BBC. Jaime Garcia Marquez is the first to talk about his brother’s health woes publicly as the number of rumors surrounding his memory problems have increased. The Nobel…

  • emmyc: kateordie: Today will forever remain in history as The Day I Trended In Canada, and also The Day J H Williams III Retweeted Me. If you’re not following my twitter, there’s a whole conversation about sexist attitudes towards comics you might be into. SO AWESOME

  • Our “now” has become at once more unforgivingly brief and unprecedentedly elastic. The half-life of media product grows shorter still, till it threatens to vanish altogether, everything into some weird quantum logic of its own, the Warholian Fifteen Minutes becoming a quarklike blink. Yet once admitted to the culture’s consensus pantheon, certain things seem destined…

  • myserendipities: “There’s no way to take a direct picture of something as small and fleeting as a Higgs boson. But physicists can photograph its relatives, directly imaging atomic structures and improving our understanding of atomic physics. Now comes this picture: The first-ever snapshot of a single atom’s shadow. This is the smallest thing that can…

  • Tiny Wings 2.0

    jkottke: Uh oh, this is bad news for my productivity after this Thursday…Andreas Illiger is set to release the sequel to the mega-fun Tiny Wings on July 12th. In the meantime, watch the adorable handmade trailer:

  • The iPhone is a sustaining technology relative to Nokia. In other words, Apple is leaping ahead on the sustaining curve [by building a better phone]. But the prediction of the theory would be that Apple won’t succeed with the iPhone. They’ve launched an innovation that the existing players in the industry are heavily motivated to…

  • fyprocessing: Game Of Life Sequencer in Processing (by wesen) Editor’s note: I have an IOS Game of Life Sequencer  on my iPad. Nice to see such an advanced project in tutorial form for Processing. Creator’s notes: Tutorial about building a MIDI game of life sequencer in processing. You can download the sourcecode at .…

  • Aboriginal Musicians ‘Band’ Together To Expose Oppression

    Aboriginal Musicians ‘Band’ Together To Expose Oppression npr: “The aboriginal rights movement in Australia parallels the American Indian movement in this country, with similar goals: land rights, self determination, cultural acceptance. There is also day-to-day discrimination. Morris says last year she performed at the Sydney Opera House, a crowning achievement for an Australian artist. She…