Month: April 2012

  • The New Aesthetic isn’t a chromed android glistening with scifi robot-vision aura. The New Aesthetic is a rather old, and hearteningly traditional, story about a regional, generational cluster of creative people who are perceiving important stuff that other, older, and dumber people don’t get quite yet. It’s a typical avant-garde art movement that has arisen…

  • An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond |

    An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond |

  • dropouthangoutspaceout: From the back of it: These days, everybody can make and distribute a photograph, or a video, or a book. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters shows you that everyone can make a videogame, too. But why should they? For Anna Anthropy, it’s not for fame or for profit, but for the strange, aimless beauty…

  • dropouthangoutspaceout: From the back of it: These days, everybody can make and distribute a photograph, or a video, or a book. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters shows you that everyone can make a videogame, too. But why should they? For Anna Anthropy, it’s not for fame or for profit, but for the strange, aimless beauty…

  • bylinebeat: Goodbye, anonymity: Latest surveillance tech can search up to 36 million faces per second Welcome to the next generation in surveillance technology. A Japanese company, Hitachi Kokusai Electric, has unveiled a novel surveillance camera that is able to capture a face and search up to 36 million faces in one second for a similar…

  • Bill Buxton’s book talks about the insufficiency of state diagrams to pre-visualize human experiences. It made me think about dance step diagrams and choreographic notation schemes.  (via Fed by Birds: Dance Diagrams)

  • The act of feeling frustrated is an essential part of the creative process. Before we can find the answer — before we can even know the question — we must be immersed in disappointment, convinced that a solution is beyond our reach. We need to have wrestled with the problem and lost. Because it’s only…

  • nevver: The Book of the Future

  • olupi-reblogs: Norbert Wiener : The Human Use of Human Beings Design by George Giusti 1954

  • Someday perhaps I will go around carrying only a book, a change of clothes, a pen, a water bottle, a folding umbrella, and a little capsule that turns into my livelihood when opened. Rollable hi-res screen and keyboard, tiny computer the size of a cell phone or smaller but as light as a pen, with…