
From the back of it:

These days, everybody can make and distribute a photograph, or a video, or a book. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters shows you that everyone can make a videogame, too. But why should they? For Anna Anthropy, it’s not for fame or for profit, but for the strange, aimless beauty of personal creativity. – Ian Bogost 

Just copped this along with a few other books for my summer directed reading with Jen. The theme of this book, which is the rise of a culture one step more “indie” than the indies that I pay most attention to seems wildly important to contextualize my work. One thing I have heard though, is that she places a really strong focus on the role of the individual as the locus of creativity in these new games, rather than communities or technologies or geographies. If this is the case, mounting a critique of this point will likely help frame my dissertation’s focus on the panoply of objects and assemblages and translations that frame and enable so-called indie cultures to rise.