Month: March 2012

  • “Moments of insight are a very-well studied psychological phenomenon with two defining features,” Lehrer tells Fresh Air’s Dave Davies. “The answer comes out of the blue – when we least expect it. … [And] as soon as the answer arrives we know this is the answer we’ve been looking for. … The answer comes attached…

  • Coffeehouses brought people and ideas together; they inspired brilliant ideas and discoveries that would make Britain the envy of the world. The first stocks and shares were traded in Jonathan’s coffeehouse by the Royal Exchange (now a private members’ club); merchants, ship-captains, cartographers, and stockbrokers coalesced into Britain’s insurance industry at Lloyd’s on Lombard Street…

  • First of all, as a student of culture and popular culture and the impact that it has on us all, I know this to be true: Seeing yourself represented in the popular culture is really critical in terms of forming your own self image. I’m old enough to have been around before seeing black people…

  • National Geographic Known Universe S03E06 Print Tools (by MrCrafty78) I think that printing in space with this technology will be challenged by the absence of gravity. (Source:

  • bashford: “Printing three dimensional objects with incredibly fine details is now possible using two-photon lithography.” 3D-printer with nano-precision

  • It wasn’t all that easy to apply the concept of living life in the countryside to a game design document,” said Yasuhiro Wada, creator of the Harvest Moon franchise. Wada had moved to Tokyo after being brought up in the countryside. Though he had no interest in returning to that environment, he finally understood its…

  • It wasn’t all that easy to apply the concept of living life in the countryside to a game design document,” said Yasuhiro Wada, creator of the Harvest Moon franchise. Wada had moved to Tokyo after being brought up in the countryside. Though he had no interest in returning to that environment, he finally understood its…

  • So my biggest lesson learned is that human behavior may appear to be a bad moral behavior, but it’s not really their fault; they’re just following their instinct. It is the designer who creates the system who has the responsibility to moderate the right behavior you want. By providing feedback for the things you want…

  • So my biggest lesson learned is that human behavior may appear to be a bad moral behavior, but it’s not really their fault; they’re just following their instinct. It is the designer who creates the system who has the responsibility to moderate the right behavior you want. By providing feedback for the things you want…

  • [I’m] really liking Kickstarter, the type of project that shows up and gets funded… they’re handing out more money than the NEA.. if this goes on, it won’t be long before geek art… is our dominant means of popular expression. A tidal wave of Kickstarter tech art is going to sweep the land. Bruce Sterling…