Month: March 2012

  • Curated Design Fiction Videos: the videos every design-fiction fan should see | Beyond The Beyond |

    Curated Design Fiction Videos: the videos every design-fiction fan should see | Beyond The Beyond | notational: *These demonstrate the spectrum of possibility with a design-fiction approach.

  • TEDxVancouver – Jer Thorp (@blprnt ) – The Weight of Data | CreativeApplications.Net

    TEDxVancouver – Jer Thorp (@blprnt ) – The Weight of Data | CreativeApplications.Net In case you’ve never seen or heard our dear friend and guest writer Jer Thorp speak on stage, this is a simple must. His talk from TEDxVancouver last November is finally online. Jer talks about the summer of 1985, when his father came home…

  • Giant Tank Postmortem Four Years Later Giant Tank was produced as part of my MFA thesis which was the research, critique, and design of antiwar games. In the game, a lone soldier with only a rifle is fighting an enormous tank. You are not the tank. Antiwar games are games that critique the nature of…

  • Giant Tank Postmortem Four Years Later Giant Tank was produced as part of my MFA thesis which was the research, critique, and design of antiwar games. In the game, a lone soldier with only a rifle is fighting an enormous tank. You are not the tank. Antiwar games are games that critique the nature of…

  • If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea… – Antoine de Saint Exupery, as quoted by Neil deGrasse Tyson in his current Reddit AmA One of my life goals is to…