Month: March 2011

  • emmacooper: Charlotte Moorman performing Nam June Paik’s “TV Bra for Living Sculpture.” 

  • susanfairchild: make it perfect: .Lego Sack Tutorial.

  • sneezypanda: Carcassonne | Image | BoardGameGeek Carcassone rubix cube O_o

  • illillill: PEACE CORPS/Retro Corporate Logo

  • …we got wired coverage but it’s not like it’s ‘96 and people still read wired. Hacker News | I sense a backlash growing. It seems like the only time people take you seriousl…

  • Game mechanics encourage users to engage with your content on a much deeper level. Users will stay longer, come back more often, and generate more revenue for you. Here are some tips, links, and definitions to get you started! Gamification 101 | BigDoor

  • [image from Citizen Kane] Borges concluded by quoting Chesterton, “there is nothing more frightening than a labyrinth that has no center.” [72]   I wondered about the labyrinth with no center. For me, it is a mystery without a solution. A murder without a murderer. A world without answers, without truth or falsity. It is the…

  • Trading Atoms for Bits The most basic way to make materials more ecologically friendly is to simply use less of them. Digital technology, for example, allows us to put songs, books, magazines, newspapers, TV shows, movies, most any kind of media, onto increasingly smaller computer chips. By trading in the atoms of the books, CDs,…

  • That’s the choice we need to make: are technologists and designers here to enable people to do meaningful things in their lives in community with their fellow human beings or are they here as an elaborate dopamine delivery system, basically drug dealers for users? If it is the latter, I’m really not interested. We should…

  • Now, five years down the line and all we seem to be talking about is brands and how they can leverage social media and all that. Not at all interested. I couldn’t give a shit what the Internet is going to do to L’Oreal or Snickers or Sony or Kleenex or The Gap. They aren’t…