Sally Fincher on Useless Truths at SIGCSE 2010 « Computing Education Blog
Sally Fincher on Useless Truths at SIGCSE 2010 « Computing Education Blog
These MultiBlocks remind me of the colored math blocks we had in school in Switzerland when I was a whopping 7 years old. I vividly remember enjoying playing with them. Little did I know that they were tricking me into learning math! Ha! These MultiBlocks will find their way to casa swissmiss this holiday season.…
40 New And Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
40 New And Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials via: Noupe Design Blog
Technology will change faster than we can teach it. My son studied the popular programming language C++ in his home-school year; that knowledge could be economically useless soon. The accelerating pace of technology means his eventual adult career does not exist yet. Of course it won’t be taught in school. But technological smartness can be.…
4 PROFESSIONALISM IS NOT ENOUGH or THE GOOD IS THE ENEMY OF THE GREAT. Early in my career I wanted to be professional, that was my complete aspiration in my early life because professionals seemed to know everything – not to mention they got paid for it. Later I discovered after working for a while…
The really grim news for the MBA, however, is about more than short-term trends. Isn’t it just a little suspicious, after all, that the sector that showed the greatest appetite for MBAs was the most grotesquely mismanaged? In fact, the economic crisis has exposed long-standing flaws not just in the modern approach to business education…
lonegunman: via spytap:seanbonner:tarabrown:7evan:keeptheballrolling:mynameisconnor
Adobe flash cs4 basics : 0108 Bone Bind Tools (via oppcell) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Scratch Day
Scratch Day
100 Best Photoshop Tutorials From 2009 | Creative Nerds
100 Best Photoshop Tutorials From 2009 | Creative Nerds