Tag: IoT

  • yoga ball sofa speculation F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?

  • yoga ball sofa speculation F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?

  • yoga ball sofa speculation

    yoga ball sofa speculation

    F/LOSS sensored yoga ball sofa speculation what does this type of sofa ask of me? what does it want to know from me, from its surroundings? can I responsibly source materials when this sofa calls on me to bring it to light? does the sofa care?

  • Raffi Khatchadourian, The Doomsday Invention – The New Yorker

    Raffi Khatchadourian, The Doomsday Invention – The New Yorker stoweboyd: via Stowe Boyd “Superintelligence” is not intended as a treatise of deep originality; Bostrom’s contribution is to impose the rigors of analytic philosophy on a messy corpus of ideas that emerged at the margins of academic thought. Perhaps because the field of A.I. has recently…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I had another sleepless night with a strong headache when I got up. I spent most of the day sorting bookmarks and reading webpages. I did scribble some notes for the sofa for Casa Jasmina, which I’m going to call F/LOSSy. these were more speculations trying to suss a sofa’s point of view. no concrete…

  • progress report

    progress report

    Karin’s birthday was yesterday. the day was going to be interrupted no matter what. and then we found out that her uncle died yesterday morning. her father had died on our older son’s birthday in 1998. this sucks in all kinds of ways. I did manage to view the video lessons for the P5.JS art…

  • progress report

    progress report

    late report for yesterday, 2015 11 03. I had some dental work in the morning, and got a migraine as we were driving to the appointment. this knocked me out for most of the day. I did manage to do some online searching for the F/LOSS sofa for Casa Jasmina. Someone already created a Filo…

  • what does a sofa want to know?

    what does a sofa want to know? there are some questions we may ask as a we speculate about a sofa ontology: what does a sofa want to know? how does that sofa go about knowing? can we place into a metaphorical black box the questions that would speculate on a sofa’s self awareness? whence does…

  • what does a sofa want to know?

    what does a sofa want to know?

    there are some questions we may ask as a we speculate about a sofa ontology: what does a sofa want to know? how does that sofa go about knowing? can we place into a metaphorical black box the questions that would speculate on a sofa’s self awareness? whence does a sofa derive its identity? what…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I updated the language in IoOOOT on gitHub.com/rafaelfajardo I posted a response to @bruces via rafaelfajardo.tumblr.com, but I think that might be a flawed channel. I almost missed his post. I watched videos on how people are making human-scale articulated wings for cosplay. I may incorporate some of the geometry into Arcacataca’s animations. The animations…