Tag: design

  • criticaltoys: toy sketch

  • criticaltoys: toy

  • toy sketch 3

  • toy sketch

  • Designers are liars all design is a lie

    jamesbranch: Thanks to @juspar who flagged this post on Sean Sturm’s blog which features the essay About the Word Design (Flusser, 1991) published in Eine Kleine Philosophie des Design (1993) a reference to either Coldcut or Mozart. Anyway… In it Flusser analyses the origins of the word ‘design’ and suggests that trickery and deception were…

  • explore-blog: explore-blog: I had the pleasure of discussing the “Modulor” at some length with Professor Albert Einstein at Princeton. I was then passing through a period of great uncertainty and stress; I expressed myself badly, I explained the “Modulor” badly, I got bogged down in the morass of “cause and effect”… At one point, Einstein…

  • my archive homework: Basic Principles of Design by Manfred Maier, of the Kunstgewerbeschule, Basel Switzerland, 1975.

  • Papercraft Yellow Narcosubmarine (in)Action Figure, hand built, donated to silent auction for Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood Village (suburb of Denver), Colorado. 18" x 8" x 10". Epson six color inkjet onto 2-ply Strathmore vellum bristol board. Created for University of Denver Faculty Triennial Exhibition.

  • Rapid Physical Game Design & Prototyping, Challenge 4: Form a collaborative group of five. Design an eight player game that will take place in two non-contiguous spaces of 8’ x 16’ x 8’ each. Line of sight between the two spaces is optional. Players must remain within the space where they begin the game for…