The training strategy of this top professional football team is based on match data collected by companies like Amisco/MasterCoach, Opta and or Impire. Opta, which for years has been the main supplier of match data in the English and Spanish leagues, also evaluates the Bundesliga and the Champions League; in total they analyze data from 30 different sports in 70 countries. Impire received a commission from the German Football League to install tracking systems in all German stadiums so that they can begin compiling data starting next season. This will take the ever-increasing mathematization of football to a whole new level. The data will be made available to all Bundesliga trainers, and every weekend each team will come under intense scrutiny. Each player’s smallest movement will be observed and analyzed, and their performance on the field will become more predictable than ever before. Now not only the coaches but also the media will be able to alternately criticize or praise a player for the smallest fluctuations in his performance. Opta’s “Total Football” iPhone/iPad app offers a taste of what is to come by allowing users to examine every Champions League game just like Pep Guardiola and José Mourinho can. (via The World’s Best Soccer Team: Using Math to Crack the Barca Code – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International)