Killbox, a videogame about the true horror of drone warfare – Kill Screen
Killbox, a videogame about the true horror of drone warfare – Kill Screen
bashford: The Urban Aeronautics AirMule is a compact, unmanned, single-engine, VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft. Internal lift rotors enable the AirMule to fly inside obstructed (e.g. mountainous, wooded, urban) terrain where helicopters are unable to operate. The AirMule is innovative due to its internal rotors and significant payload capacity that allows for the…
marianaconte: GUNS (2009) Sculpture, resin and found objects, 15x79x60cm No human hands pull the trigger. The gun/mob appears to take on a life of its own. Guns induces a sense of sadness and helplessness. Limp, wasted, lifeless miniature people suggest the impotence of war. The work impacts by using visual ambiguity. The multitude of colours…
prostheticknowledge: Warco: an FPS where you hold a camera instead of a gun via Ars Technica Warco is a first-person game where players shoot footage instead of a gun. A work in progress at Brisbane-based studio Defiant Development, the game is a collaboration of sorts; Defiant is working with both a journalist and a filmmaker…
theatlantic: How the War Will Change Art Rising evil is concomitant with the destruction of art. Before anyone had heard of the Mullah Omar, NPR described to the world the obliteration of the Bamiyan buddhas. No vision of the Third Reich is complete without mountains of “degenerate” texts set ablaze, the deckled edges of Hemingway…