How robots became a scapegoat for the destruction of the working class
Three papers in the last year — one by the Aspen Institute’s Future of Work Initiative, one from the Roosevelt Institute and Duke University, and another in development from Roosevelt — suggest maybe the automation we’re seeing now is little different from the technological advances we’ve seen in every other era. Instead, the problems of…
theatlantic: A Jobs Plan for the Post-Cubicle Economy About 150 years ago, American workers began a profound shift from farms to factories. After suffering through poor work conditions, low pay, and no workplace protections, the workers organized and successfully helped build the framework of laws that became known as FDR’s New Deal. This landmark legislation…
theatlantic: A Jobs Plan for the Post-Cubicle Economy About 150 years ago, American workers began a profound shift from farms to factories. After suffering through poor work conditions, low pay, and no workplace protections, the workers organized and successfully helped build the framework of laws that became known as FDR’s New Deal. This landmark legislation…