“It’s a $1 billion gadget…”
“It’s a $1 billion gadget…” parislemon: Cliff Kuang: A few years ago, the CEO of Vertu was showing me the company’s newest $8,000 phone, bragging that the gadget was far more substantial and well-made that any $500 iPhone could hope to be. I stopped him short, pointing out that the iPhone isn’t a $500 gadget.…
marianaconte: GUNS (2009) Sculpture, resin and found objects, 15x79x60cm No human hands pull the trigger. The gun/mob appears to take on a life of its own. Guns induces a sense of sadness and helplessness. Limp, wasted, lifeless miniature people suggest the impotence of war. The work impacts by using visual ambiguity. The multitude of colours…
Conference Home Make a Scene! A pro-active community can formulate a vision of their own future and Make a Scene! Designers are everywhere, but design culture is not. Many professionals and academic programs are challenged by their geographic locations. As designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and others embrace their locale, they help their community to progress,…
Industrial Designers Society of America
Industrial Designers Society of America The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) is the voice of the industrial design profession, advancing the quality and positive impact of design.
OBJECTIFIED | Independent Lens | PBS
OBJECTIFIED | Independent Lens | PBS http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/objectified/filmpage.swf Objectified. Nearly everything we buy, touch and use in our daily lives was at one time dreamed up by a designer. Filmaker Gary Hustwit (HELVETICA) examines the art and science of industrial design, and the stunning ubiquity of its impact. Read more about the film >> Objectified official…