Tag: design

  • Jon Kolko-Keynote: My Heart is in The Work on Vimeo (via Vimeo) (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)

  • Leslie Nayibe: The unspoken rules of graphic design

    Leslie Nayibe: The unspoken rules of graphic design 1. Your fonts will default to the worst possible font available on the machine you are showing your work on. 2. If you have two versions of a photo, the wrong one will make its way to the printer. 3. The less time you have the more…

  • I’ve always responded to other work with my work— that’s where I fit more into the artist category,” Mr. Wong told Azure, a design magazine, in 2003. “I find it really difficult if I’m asked to, say, design a chair. If a manufacturer approached me with that sort of request, I’d be in big trouble.…

  • Kim Goodwin – Each One, Teach One on Vimeo (via Vimeo) (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)

  • John Thackara – Designing for Business as Unusual on Vimeo (via Vimeo) (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)

  • Shelley Evenson-Service as Design on Vimeo (via Vimeo) (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)

  • It is our critical collective need to be able to think the supposedly “unthinkable”, and imagine the “unimaginable”, that is driving the merger of futures and design practices. Futures provides a big-picture context and sense of the stakes for design work, and design brings concreteness and communicative effectiveness to futures. Together they can do far…

  • http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf Don Norman at IIT Design Research Conference 2010 (by IIT Institute of Design) The Research-Practice Gulf There is a great gulf between the research community and practice. Moreover, there is often a great gull between what designers do and what industry needs. We believe we know how to do design, but this belief is…

  • After spending 21 months studying box fabrication and shipping, Fuseproject realized that any improvement to that already lean system would merely be incremental. So instead, the “clever little bag” combines the two packaging components of any shoe sale–the bag and the box–with high-tech ingenuity. The bag tightly wraps an interior cardboard scaffolding–giving it shape and…

  • Coralie Bickford-Smith – Design Articles and Features on design:related

    Coralie Bickford-Smith – Design Articles and Features on design:related