Need more and more varied language for design
Need more and more varied language for design
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Designers Accord | Integrating sustainability into design education: The Toolkit.
The Four Phases of Design Thinking – Warren Berger – The Conversation – Harvard Business Review
The Four Phases of Design Thinking – Warren Berger – The Conversation – Harvard Business Review In summary: Question, Care, Connect, Commit.
Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources
Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources
Interactive Sketching Notation by Jakub Linowski linowski.ca via: SwissMiss
Designing Obama – Digital Edition
Designing Obama – Digital Edition via: Kottke.org
via: ReadWriteWeb: IBM Helps Tennis Fans “See Through Walls” with Augmented Reality
“For Paul Rand’s posthumous induction into The One Club Hall of Fame, Imaginary Forces created this short film, combining original animation with a videotaped interview of Rand himself, that encapsulated his unique and timeless contribution to the design community.” Paul Rand Retrospective (by Jeremy Cox) via: SwissMiss (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)