jtotheizzoe: via infinity-imagined: City lights photographed from the International Space Station and Neurons imaged with fluorescence microscopy. Source images; Cities (1) (2) (3) (4) (5), Neurons (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) We can explore this at another level by remembering our old friend slime mold (see my previous slimy posts here), which give us reason to…
For everyone else, learning how to embrace instability is the challenge. “What do you do to get everyone engaged on this journey? We all have to learn new skills. Being able to live on one set of skills over a career is not realistic. Change is going to happen, not all of it good, in…
52 Weeks of UX: Simplicity isn’t that simple
52 Weeks of UX: Simplicity isn’t that simple “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” —Leonardo Da Vinci Simplicity, by definition, is freedom from complexity; the absence of luxury or pretentiousness. Sophistication, on the other hand, often implies a sense of style, cultivated beauty and refinement. So is Da Vinci…
network culture chart | varnelis.net
network culture chart | varnelis.net Kazys Varnelis has been working to craft a chart, a visualization, of the dominant cultural logic of our contemporary period. In this he is following in the steps of (and expanding the work of) Jameson and of Lyotard. The chart is as “handy” as it is important. It helps us…
Anti-Consumerism that Sells: D.I.Y. Marketing Campaigns and the Charm of Cheap | Pivot
Anti-Consumerism that Sells: D.I.Y. Marketing Campaigns and the Charm of Cheap | Pivot Pivot is a marketing conference for Brand Marketers who seek to understand the style, attitudes, technologies and preferences of the 18-34 year old consumer as they make brand choices every day For the penny-pinching twentysomething the cost of chic is best kept…