Tag: art

  • albinwonderland: sugarbone: LET’S PLAY ♥ exhibited at BOMB’S AWAY I love Chey’s work! Wish I could have gone to this show. 

  • yourplasticbag: DIS read this essay by Nick Faust in Dis

  • hautepop: via cibelle: Transparent Business Coffee Shop #newtrend?! #hunt;darton cafe on Lower Clapton road I like this. There’s lots of talk about “transparency” vis-a-vis the “social business”, which is mostly just jargon but here it is in action. I also think it’s likely to be good business sense – it brings the customer into the…

  • jtotheizzoe: Mathematical Films of Manfred Mohr Just stumbled across this collection of digital math and geometry films created by pioneering digital artist Manfred Mohr in the early 1970’s. This stuff puts most modern GIF artists to shame, and he made them in Fortran IV on a CDC 6400, which is considerably less powerful than Photoshop.…

  • The word “art” is something the West has never understood. Art is supposed to be a part of a community. Like, scholars are supposed to be a part of a community… Art is to decorate people’s houses, their skin, their clothes, to make them expand their minds, and it’s supposed to be right in the…

  • fckyeahnetart: “Lillian F. Schwartz (born 1927) is a 20th century American artist considered a pioneer of computer-mediated art and one of the first women artists notable for basing almost her entire oeuvre on computational media.” Via http://www.newrafael.com/an-artist-i-like-lillian-schwartz/ (Source: http://fckyeahnetart.tumblr.com/)

  • nprfreshair: Folks. Important religious artifacts here. Beautiful Decay: After unknowingly purchasing fake pre-Colombian artifacts, artist Nadín Ospina gave serious thought to Latin-American culture and its ancient roots.  His sculptures depicts pop-culture cartoon characters such as Snoopy, Micky Mouse, and Bart Simpson in an often pre-Colombian style. We were in a show together in Denver’s Museo…

  • The M.I.A. book foreword

    vandlo: I met Maya in 1998 at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. She joined the film degree program late, with no interview. She just blagged her way in on the phone and turned up halfway through the term. We all dressed in dark colors and talked serious art theory. Maya wore…

  • likeafieldmouse: Alicia Framis & Nacho Alegre – Lost Astronaut (2009) so many feels

  • While right to query the impact that the Internet has played in art production, Bishop – as pointed out by New Museum curator Lauren Cornell and critic Brian Droitcour in a letter published in Artforum’s January issue – fails to realize the pertinent timing of her question. In response, she points out that she was…